You Can Grow Your Own Alfalfa Seeds

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Children love watching seeds germinate. This is true especially when seeds germinate quickly. Alfalfa is one of the easiest seeds to grow and should develop within one week. Sprinkle a little amount of alfalfa seeds on some wet paper towel to observe their seeds sprout and grow.

You'll need:
A packet of seeds from alfalfa (about 1.5g)
a small plate or بذور برسيم حجازي saucer
Three paper towels
A small spray mister or water container

How to Develop
Get 3 pieces of paper towel and place them on top of each other flat on a plate.
Drain the water from the plate. The paper towel should be damp however the seeds must not be floating in water.
Sprinkle the seeds in a thick layer on the towel.
To stop the paper towel from drying out, put it on a window and fill it with water. To dampen seeds, use a spray bottle or mister. Also, add water to the saucer by using an ice cube or small jug.
Every day, be sure to check your seeds to see if they're growing.

Alfalfa seeds are simple to cultivate and should begin to sprout within 2 to 6 days. If the seeds fail to germinate during this time there are a few possibilities of what could have gone wrong:

Too dry Seeds need water to grow. Alfalfa seeds absorb about their weight in water prior to germinating, making them look as if they've gotten bigger. Seeds that aren't dry enough do not grow. Incorporate more water into the plate to make sure that the seeds are damp but not floating. It is also possible to soak the seeds for a few hours. Just make sure to remove them and wash them thoroughly before placing them onto a paper towel.

Too moist Seeds that are too wet can cause their roots and their shoots to rot before they can grow. It is also possible that mould will start to grow around the seeds. While it's perfectly acceptable for the paper towel as well as the seeds to remain damp, they shouldn't be submerged in water. Remove any excess water from the plate each time you mist or water your seeds.

Too cold or hot: The best temperature for بذور برسيم حجازي alfalfa to grow is 20-25 degrees Celsius. If you are growing your seeds in winter, put them in a cool spot inside. If you're growing your seeds in very warm temperatures, it is possible to water the seeds more frequently since they'll dry out more quickly.